What Is Social Listening? How Can It Benefit Your Brand?

Social listening is a term used for a two-way process of understanding the conversation surrounding a brand’s online presence. It helps a business gain insight to improve its social presence by tracking competitors’ movements and managing customer complaints. This two-way process consists of monitoring and analyzing.


Monitoring – The process involves setting up a brand monitoring project to collect all publicly available brand mentions with keywords. 


Analysis: Draw actionable conclusions from gathered mentions to achieve business goals. 


Importance of social listening 

Social listening helps to lose the predefined idea of a brand as real customers talk and share honest opinions. Honest customer feedback helps in creating more happy customers. Practicing social listening gives more content ideas for social media, podcasts, and videos. A brand’s image can be maintained by social listening. Brands are using social listening strategies to generate leads, improvise customer services, tracking the progress of marketing campaigns, content creation, and distribution. Established brands develop a comprehensive and actionable social listening strategy to build customer trust and offer the right product. 


Here are four social listening strategies you can start to build customer relations

  • Personalized conversations- Set up a routine call with customers to identify their pain points and offer solutions. 

  • Respond to negative reviews- Respond to negative comments to understand mistakes that happened and offer solutions. Customers appreciate the response and reciprocate in the future. 

  • Keep an eye on competitors’ content- Analyze competitors’ content to spot a content gap and adapt to new business moves. 

  • Listen to the audience’s problems – Listen to customers’ issues to generate new content ideas. Answer their questions online through blogs and social media.


How Social listening is different from analytics and intelligence ?


Social media analytics: The process involves analyzing data with the help of tools and features like author analysis or page type analysis. 

Social media intelligence – Knowledge or insights gained from analyzing social media data.


Sectors that can gain from the social listening process

  • B2C – For building business strategies

  • B2B- To keep an eye on competitors’ latest developments.

  • The financial services sector- To gather intelligence to improve confidence in the investment

By following the listening process, you can make your brand resonate with customers’ values. Volar Media House in Pune, helps you to get started with social media monitoring tools.